About David Buxton

About David Buxton
David is married to Bronwynne (nee Pringle), originally from South Africa, and they have one child named Joshua. They all live together with our male Fox Red Labrador, named Milo.

David was born deaf, due to the rubella outbreak in the mid 1960s and was the first deaf person in the Buxton family. He attended deaf schools in London and then in Malvern before attending Guildford County College and Brooklands Technical College for A Levels and BTEC Building Studies. David later went on to obtain two HNC qualifications – Building Studies and Building Engineering Services. Due to the national building construction recession in 1990, David decided to make a career change and join the voluntary and charity sector, leading him to study part time management degrees, first at South Bank University London, and then at Open University, ending up with an Masters in Business Administration (MBA).
Working in the senior local government and charity management sector for 30 years, David was recently awarded with an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his service to the Deaf and Sign Language Communities, especially his long time campaigning and lobbying Parliament and Ministers, leading to two new laws passing on the same day in late April 2022 – British Sign Language (BSL) Act 2022 and Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 (allowing deaf people to sit as jurors).