David's Political Work
David is Britian’s first ever Deaf Sign Language user elected Borough Councillor.

David has always used his influence to encourage other deaf and disabled people to stand for local and national elections, hoping he can serve as an example that nothing is impossible. David has dreamed of becoming an MP since he was 22 and hopes Sutton and Cheam will give him the opportunity to passionately serve the community in this role. As a deaf man, David knows the only thing he cannot do is hear, despite what others may have believed, he has shown himself to be a talented and capable professional and campaigner. He will bring his vast experience, knowledge and skills to his work, proving the real difference he can make for Sutton and Cheam.
His own proven track record, over 30 years, speaks louder than words. For more detail, please read on.
- Chair, Epsom & Ewell Liberal Democrats
- Co-Founder, Liberal Democrats Disability Association
- Currently represent Epsom and Ewell – Liberal Democrats South East Region and Liberal Democrats National Conferences – 18 years to date
- One of the Party’s 45 Leadership Programme Candidates (2013 – 2015)
- Represented Southwark and Lewisham – Liberal Democrats London Region and Liberal Democrat National Conferences – 10 years
- Co-chaired General Election Disability Manifesto
- Member of the Federal Policy Sub Group – Health and Social Care
- Disability Adviser to the Rt. Hon Paddy Ashdown, the Leader of Liberal Democrats (1990 to 1992) before David co-founded Liberal Democrats Disability Association
Work with Liberal Democrats

- 1990 – elected as LB Southwark Councillor (Dockyard Ward)
- 1994 – lost by just 3 votes – LB Southwark (Chaucer Ward)
- 1995 to 2000 – local by-election and council elections. All lost (LB Southwark, LB Lewisham
- 2000 – Greater London Assembly Candidate for Greenwich and Lewisham
- 2002 – stood for Whitefoot Ward (Lewisham Council Election)
- 2007 – elected as Epsom & Ewell Borough Councillor (Court Ward)
- 2011 – lost by 25 votes (Court Ward) mainly due to the Coalition issues – Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
- 2015, 2019 and 2023 – stood for Stamford Ward, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Election. Lost by 25 votes again!