David's Sutton and Cheam
We need a real winner. David Buxton has the track record and credibility to win back Sutton and Cheam.

In 2005 but were outbid on their chosen David and his wife originally hoped to buy locally in 2005 but were outbid on their chosen home in Cheam – so moved to Epsom.
David has worked in every previous election since 2005 in Sutton and Cheam, as well as Carshalton and Wallington, by canvassing and delivering leaflets.
David and his family regularly go to St Helier and Royal Marsden Hospitals, and to Cheam and Sutton shopping, and children of many neighbours go to Sutton schools.
David regularly visits friends who live in Sutton and Cheam and regularly enjoys Cheam Park and Nonsuch Park with Milo, the dog.
David lives 4 miles away – 10 minutes by car.
David will always put the views of Sutton and Cheam members first on what really matters to local residents

This is why David wants to stand for Sutton and Cheam.
With his combined personal, political, campaigning and working life experiences, David believes he can stand up for everyone in the constituency:
- as a community campaigner and elected councillor. With his own lived experience, tirelessly working with residents, meeting them on the streets, stalls, community meetings, listening and engaging with them, always working with, not for, them, wins hearts and minds of residents to support community causes and campaigns.
- as a national campaigner. David’s passion for equality and diversity stops discrimination, supporting businesses and communities to implement inclusion and coproduction at local and national levels.
- as parent of a disabled son. David knows the need to constantly fight for fair education, social and community care support, stopping local education authorities setting up young people to fail, and speaking up in Parliament for increased funding and support in education provision.
- as disabled person, with lived experience, constantly fighting for fair justice, equality and inclusion. Disabled, older people and carers should be fairly treated, not paying for social care, out of their own pockets.

For Sutton and Cheam, David is very keen to work closely with our elected councillors, members and supporters to agree what is most important to them – representing them in Parliament, engaging with them to raise Liberal Democrat work locally, build relationships with local businesses and high value net local donors to support local Liberal Democrat work.
In summary, David is very capable, strong-willed and determined to work with local Liberal Democrats, fighting together for better local health services, education, social care and community support. David recognises that time is short with the next general election to be called in the just a few months. He will work with local LibDems’s own agreed campaign strategy, together we can get things done quickly

David Buxton OBE - the best choice to win Sutton and Cheam